Monday, November 12, 2012

Books about Zombies : The History of Zombies

Wikipedia defines a Zombie as "an animated corpse resurrected by mystical means, such as witchcraft."
Zombies have been in our existence since the early 19th century, but it is only lately that they have attained such hype and mass following.

The modern zombie was inspired heavily from the 1968 George Romero film, "Night of the Living Dead", and since then has undergone many patches over the years. I mean, Zombies are the height of fashion in halloween parties nowadays, right?

So, what is the madness behind creating a website entirely dedicated to this undead scum, you might wonder. Think again, zombies are no mere mortals. Look around you, zombies are influencing every aspect of our lives as we speak.
Even in popular media you can find the zombie plague: Movies (Zombieland, I am legend, 28 days later, Shaun of the Dead...), Video Games (Resident evil, House of the Dead, Plants Vs Zombies,..), Music (Rob Zombie, 'nuff said), and yeah, Books. The list goes on and on.

And the importance of Zombies has become even more pronounced with the imminent Zombie Apocalypse. Many are of the belief that the end of the world will be brought about by a zombie apocalypse.

Will it be? Let's wait and find out.

In the meantime, grab yourself a copy of Zombie Survival Guide and just chillax.

In this blog you will find the best zombie literature out there, listed, compared, and reviewed. This is not for the weak-hearted. The following pages are laden with blood and gore and zombies crossing the road.
Trust me, it's gonna be real horrorshow, my droogies!

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